miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019

Bansky: Artist and Anarchist

Hi everyone I hope that they had a good week. Today I'm going to write about my favorite artist, his nickname is Bansky, does anyone know him ?. He is a England street artist, nobody know his really name, he prefers to hide this true identity, because many of his work are illegal in many countries. Let's say he like to break some rules. Well maybe i don't know his name but i know about his work. He does graffiti in the walls of the city with a technical call 'stencil'. he have a many featured projects around the world.

I learned about basky when I went to school, my art teacher showed us what he do. I really liked his style to paint, it was something that I didn't know, but I like more why he do it. he use the art, to means to expretions and communications, he done a social criticize through street art to talk about culture, politics and ethics.

He have a many interesting works, an example is a Dismalad, a macabre amusement park, analogous to Disneyland, it was a project that lasted 5 weeks and was helped 58 artists

And to finish, curious fact. Basky self-destroyed his own work after being sold at auction. 
He is great.

I leave the link if someone wants to know more about it

2 comentarios:

  1. I like Bansky art because it's revolutionary!

  2. I have a little book of his called existencilism. My sister bought it for me:)
