martes, 25 de junio de 2019

The wonderfull world of the books

I think that read is a acquired taste, and it’s sad that not everyone people like doing, The wold of Books is great, I discovery when I had 15 years old, I Started reading novels of teen, the character reach the real love or, magic creatures whit powers, things like that, I must say still I like them, the Comtemporanie literature or about fantasie, but actually discovery that I really like the police historys, of misterys, stories where you have to salve cases, find the killer, similar thing. I like because make you use the brain, have to think, deduce, reflect and look for the small details, to find the answer

A fantastic and great book that I recommend a lot it’s ‘’ the aventures of Sherlock Holmes’’ is old but it’s a classic, isn’t a continuos story (you can skip chapters, because every one it’s a different case, also has a Netflix series about the life of Sherlock Holmes and Jonh Watson in the modern world, the principal character is Benedict Cumberbatch who acts is Sherlock, is the same actor who acts as Doctor Strange, then you can imagine that it is a amazing serie, although still I haven’t seen the end of the series yet, I’m sure it’ll have an ending as good as the book.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019

Bansky: Artist and Anarchist

Hi everyone I hope that they had a good week. Today I'm going to write about my favorite artist, his nickname is Bansky, does anyone know him ?. He is a England street artist, nobody know his really name, he prefers to hide this true identity, because many of his work are illegal in many countries. Let's say he like to break some rules. Well maybe i don't know his name but i know about his work. He does graffiti in the walls of the city with a technical call 'stencil'. he have a many featured projects around the world.

I learned about basky when I went to school, my art teacher showed us what he do. I really liked his style to paint, it was something that I didn't know, but I like more why he do it. he use the art, to means to expretions and communications, he done a social criticize through street art to talk about culture, politics and ethics.

He have a many interesting works, an example is a Dismalad, a macabre amusement park, analogous to Disneyland, it was a project that lasted 5 weeks and was helped 58 artists

And to finish, curious fact. Basky self-destroyed his own work after being sold at auction. 
He is great.

I leave the link if someone wants to know more about it

martes, 11 de junio de 2019

My favorite person in the Word; My best friend!

Her name is Tiare, she is best person that i know, we have been Friends for more than 15 years and  we just have 19 years, i can say that I have spent most of my life with her and she it’s so important for me.
We meet in the kínder, acordding to her, she was the first in talk with me, I to be honest I don’ remember, but i like to believe that is true, because I so shy and it has never been good to make friends, to this day I am. But she always was there for mi, even after she leaf in 4to basic, she changed her home and school, we spend a lot of time apart and thanks to the internet we got back in touch.

She really it’s great, she always have a smile on her face and tell you sweet words when you are angry or she can give you a big hug for you dont’ feel sad. I like our friendship, because we can tell us all, and talk about anything, also we don’t need talk everyday or we can spend months whitout seeing us or we can go to visit us even without warning, because we are family

She always do amazing things to my birthday, also the last year I told her that I can’t see anyone, because the next day was ‘’(el dia de la entrega final)’’ to taller, but she went yo see me anyway. With a pretty gift and she ask me ‘’How can I help you?

I think that everyone in the World should have a friend like her.
                             This picture was in the 2008, the lastest year that we were mate 

                                     and this photo is from the last year, both we are in the university 

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2019

The trekking it's great!

Really i like the trekking, well is normal, because I am scout, and my favorite walk was in the ‘’Quebrada de macul’’ localited near Santiago, in the comunne of peñalolen. It’s a natural park, that have a 3 walking trails, 2 lookout, snack and recyling área, and it has a length of about 4.5 km, it really doesn’t have much difficulty,  but for the most adventurous there are excursions they start in one park and end in another. These tours go from 1 to 3 days.

In my case, my tour was in october of the lats year and  we went only for a few hours. I really liked this experience because in this place had flowers and natives trees, cascades and Little animals who lived there. Also, it was a trip with scout's friends so I remember it was a great moment.
I also remember that day I was very excited, because we were in a new and very nice place, I think that it’s a good space to think or to not think about anything.

I hope to return again soon because it was is amaizing experience, the landscape was beautiful, the air was clean, there was a lot of silence and a lot of peace.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2019

Photograph in family!

Hi my Dear Readings, the last weekend it was Mother’s day and I think that it’s moment for they know my family.

This photograph is very recent, we take it on Sunday past, for the Mother’s day exactly. In my family is a tradition going to eat out this day for my Mom can eat tasty food whitout cooking it herself. That same day in the morning, when we had a breakfast together, we asked to my mom what type of food she will want eat, the options were Italian food, Peruvian food or Chinese food, she chose the last, that coincidentally is my favorite food too, so I was so happy! :).

For this, the photograph taken in the Chinese food restaurant that is near of my house, and the photograph is taken by my dad, it’s because of that, he don’t appear there.

In the photograph, my mom it’s who is standing, smiling to the camera, and she said she wasen’t wearing makeup, so she put the sunglasses, below was my eldest sister, her name is Mylisendt and she have a 10 year more than me. In the middle is me haha, and my right was my little brother, his name is Ignacio and he have 1 years younger than me.

I like this picture because it’s current and very cut and so happy minutes before eat tasty food!.

martes, 30 de abril de 2019

The job of my dreams... in this moment.

If you told me that tomorrow I can work in whatever, I think that would be, mmh…social housing.  In my careen, I would like specialize in that, I liked so much because one time I had to do research this theme for the university, and it was a great experience! Being that it a was extremely practical experience, I met the architect, I could get in the construction and even I met the people who are going to live there!!!, so after there I can say that I would like to work on that.

But to do it, you need have a social compromise, I think that I would do because I like help others, I really would like to be able to give a home to those who don’t have it. Like do Fernando Castillo Velasco (son), he inspired me to work on that, when I met him that time.

martes, 23 de abril de 2019

TV Show of my childhood

Hello people. Today I will write about my favorite television show when I was a kid ... well, not so small, anyway. The television program was called Codename: Kids Next Door, but people know it as ‘’Los chicos del barrio’’, it’s a cartoon series and it was broadcast by ‘’the Cartoon Network television channel’’ since 2004 and I think that still on.

 It’s about 5 child they recognized each other for number: One (Miguel) was a team leader, two (Guillermo) The main technician of the team, tree (Kiki) … mmh she is something like medical specialist of the team, four (Guero) he is combat experts and heavy weapons specialist and finally, five (Abigail), second in command and the best espionage, and together they fight against tyranny of adults, whom try to impose their discipline and their rules on the children of the whole Earth.

I remember it with a lot of love, because I always watched it in the morning, during the breakfast before going to school.

martes, 16 de abril de 2019

Holidays in MIAMI

The last summer, with my family we were lucky to travel to the United States. We went for a long 15 days, so that we met many cities, like Miami, Orlando, Key Wets, Cocoa Beach and the Cabo Cañaveral of the NASA.

We travel from chile,  then had a stop off in Peru for 2 hour and finaly we travel to Miami for sis hours more. In the airport there was wait us with a car, inmediately traveled to Orlando, again it was 3 hours of travel and that's when I discovered that distances are a long in United States.

What I more enjoyed the most were the thematic park in Orlando, we visited  ''Universal Estudios'', was amaizing. I felt like a child, because with my siblings knew the real city of springfield, we went to Moe'bar and drink the beer,  also visited Gringots of Harry Potter, the bank and the callejon Diagon it was like being inside the movie!!

I think that the everyone in the word should visit him sometime in his life.

martes, 9 de abril de 2019

More than Hobby, It's a life style...

Over the years, found what kind of things I liked, for example, the nature, the buildings, and above all help overs... Like 3 years ago I discover something had everything. I become in girl scout.

My brother, when he was a little, dreamed of camping, he wanted to have many aventures and my grandfather told him to become a boy scout, that hapenned 6 year ago, after 3 years I accompany my brother, the firts Saturday of the January.

At the beginning I don’t like scout, I thought… ‘’they only sell cookies, they are very boring’’, but no. Scout is a youth movement that seeks to educate children and youth with outdoor games, after my fir summer camp in San Fabian de Alico, near Chilllan, I loved it.

We meet in other children our age in a square, the people know it as  ‘’la plaza de las Palmeras’’. In my first day I learned to make knots, join them together whith ropes and bandanna, to later use them as a first aid and then in constructions, with colihues we can make structures up to 6 mts.

Sinse 3 years, I go every Satuday of every month 

martes, 2 de abril de 2019

If I can visit any city would be...


Is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom, located on the banks of the River Thames,. I know it as the city of the tea, for the morning, afternoon, whenever you want it's a good moment for the tea, but more important that these is know heritage like the buckingham palace or the big ben; the clock of the houses of parlament, also of atractions like the millenium wheel.

London it's like a city trapped in the time, like a old picture .I think that if i walk for the cobbled streets I will can feel the footsteps of the horses pulling the carriages with old ladies inside singing the song ''London'Bridge is falling down''.

when I go..., Because I go to the london before to die, I will go with my little broter. the don't know to the idiom but he love the history and the culture just like me, that makes in the best travel companion for me.